Monday, 31 October 2011

40 miles to London...

40 miles to London a signpost read today! We're getting closer by the minute and on Wednesday we'll be crossing the fabled M25...

As encouraging as that thought was, it was the longest day of the march today from Milton Keynes to Luton. Not only was it just over 22 miles, but we had to keep to a tight schedule in order to reach the outskirts of Luton in time to walk into the town with a group of Unite members. We also had to pick up the pace due to the hours having changed and it getting dark much earlier. All of these factors meant that we had to walk at one of our fastest paces yet and we all really felt the impact of it by the end of the day.

It was brilliant to have the added support of my dad walking with us on the march today. His presence was great for morale as an extra number to the team (fresh blood!). It just made me want to again remind everyone how welcoming we are of people joining us for as much time they can spare, even if it's just for part of a day. Particularly as we approach London.

We met the group from Unite at an old Vauxhall factory on the edge of Luton. It was great to have the extra numbers for the march into the town centre, where we received a warm welcome from PCS and NUT members as well as Labour councillors and other supporters of the march. The Mayor of Luton and the Labour council made us tea in the town hall which was a great relief after the long day. They were really supportive of what we were doing and marcher, Matt Dawson thanked them for this but expressed our desire that if they really wish to show their support then they need to commit to the demands of the march and fight against any cuts asked of them by central government. We were also extremely grateful to have fish and chips provided for us by Unite and goodie bags full of fruit, crisps, chocolate and glow sticks among other things prepared for us by the local PCS branch.

The ensuing meeting in the university was extremely well attended with most of the seats in the lecture theatre being occupied and the mood was great. Speakers included reps from Unite, PCS, NUT and the TUC as well as two of the Jarrow marchers. Generally there was a really positive atmosphere in which everyone seemed to agree that what is needed is not just a fight against the cuts, but a fight for a new system. The Unite representative made us aware that the union is now opening up its membership to communities, students and unemployed people which we see as a really great move towards engaging the wider population in an organised trade union movement that fights for positive change.

On Wednesday I'm looking forward to commuting over to Brighton for a meeting on the Jarrow march. If anybody wants to hear more about our experiences on the march and the issues surrounding it then please come along. Also, don't forget that Saturday is the grand day when we have our final march in the centre of London from Embankment to Trafalgar Square. We're trying to get as big a turn out as possible on the day to send a really clear message to the government that we won't be a lost generation. Get yourself onto the coach from Brighton and fight for jobs and education!

The coach is leaving at 9am from Richmond Terrace, by St Peter's Church, and will cost £5 waged, £3 unwaged - contact or 07894716095 for more details.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Interview on the One Show, Support from The Fonz and 'Work Academies'

Over the past few days we've had some really successful regional demonstrations in Sheffield, Chesterfield, Nottingham and Leicester. They have shown how support for the march is growing as we approach London, with more and more trade union branches and local community groups wanting to get involved. Press coverage is also increasing, having been on the One Show (click here for link) on the day the new unemployment figures released. 991,000 16-24 year-olds are now unemployed, although the real figure is likely to be over a million. Henry Winkler who played Fonzie in Happy Days was also on the show and expressed his support for the march (hence the picture)!

The government has proposed some token investments in job creation for young people - work academies - which provide unpaid work experience for 50,000 young people with a guaranteed job interview at the end. However we say that this is simply not good enough. It will still leave 950,000 youths unemployed and this 50,000 are still not even guaranteed to get a job, just an interview. We also argue that if there is useful work that these people could be doing, then they should be paid like any other employee.

We're all getting used to the walking now. It seems to have become part of the routine now to walk 10-20 miles every day. Although we're still very much enjoying our rest day today in Leicester. The Indian Workers Association have been kind enough to put us up for a couple of nights and cook us some amazing food. This morning they took us to visit and have breakfast in a sikh temple. Some of us then went down to the park and played football with a group of local kids as part of our training for a big football match when we get to London. In Nottingham we stayed with local supporters which was brilliant. I got to sleep in a comfy bed and be treated to some great food. I knew I was probably being softened up too much by the time I was sitting in front of the TV with a cup of hot chocolate!

Now that I've been on the march for two weeks I can look back on it in a more objective way. It's been a brilliant opportunity to see so much of the country and how much people are being affected by the government's cuts. Having only lived in Cambridge and Brighton before, relatively affluent areas, I feel like I've now had my eyes opened to how many people across the country are living through difficult times, with job and public service losses being present everywhere. Yet this hasn't given me a hopeless outlook on the situation. Despite the difficulties people are facing, there is also a growing willingness amongst people to fight for change.

Ideas of socialism seem to be coming back to the fore and more and more people are seeking to unite together in a struggle against the greed of capitalism. This march has been brilliant for creating links all over the country and fostering new hope in people's hearts. Everywhere we seem to be inspiring people to get up and fight back. As we approach London, protests and occupations are taking place all over the world. People are finally beginning to realise that the current global economic system must be changed for one that has the interests of working people at its heart.

For transport from Brighton to the final leg of the march in London on November 5th contact or call 07894716095 – see the Facebook event here.

Monday, 10 October 2011

No to BAE Job Cuts!

The past few days have seen us receive huge amounts of press coverage. It’s getting to the point where we’re being slowed down by photo shoots and interviews in every town and even on the side of busy roads.

Unfortunately, not all of the coverage has been positive. The Telegraph, The Sun and The Independent have all claimed that we’re ‘fizzling out’, that the organiser has quit, and that we aren’t doing all of the walking. This comes after a day when we battled through wind and rain on busy roads, desperately trying to reach Harrogate in time for a rally. It was definitely the first real challenge of the march.

As we got closer to Harrogate, it became clear that we might not make it in time, so some of use went on ahead in the minibus to show a presence at the rally for local supporters and the press. The rest of us continued battling along in the rain. Because of this, we’ve been accused of giving up! It just shows how the press of the establishment is determined to undermine our efforts in any way possible. It’s ridiculous! Even if some of us hadn’t walked all the way to Harrogate, it doesn’t take anything away from the issues we’re raising on the march.

Yesterday gave us a big boost in morale though, with successful demonstrations in the region in both Hull and Leeds. Around 700 people turned out in Hull to support our march, as well as the BAE manufacturing workers that are being laid off in the area. BAE Systems intends to cut 3,000 of its 40,000 UK jobs. Apparently this is necessary for BAE to "ensure its long-term future" while the futures of the estimated 5,700 directly and indirectly affected workers look bleak. It's particularly disgraceful that nearly 100 apprentices face dismissal. Youth unemployment in Hull is running at around 30%.

The £80 million cuts in public expenditure imposed on the council by the Con-Dem government have added hundreds of council workers to the dole queues. The Tories claimed that private industry would 'soak up' those made unemployed from the public sector. The truth is that the private sector on Humberside is shedding jobs, not creating them.

Read more about the BAE campaign here

In Leeds there was a good turnout for a march that was both in solidarity with the Jarrow march, as well as a response to the right wing demonstration called at the same time. To get to Leeds we had had our most scenic leg of the march yet. We walked along lovely country lanes through the Yorkshire dales which gave us a well needed rest from busy roads and cars storming past us. The down side was that we saw less people along the way but, again, it was a great boost in morale.

Today was our first rest day of the march. I can’t explain how appreciative I was of not having to be woken up by an alarm! We’ve just been recuperating in a local supporter’s house, cleaning out the minibus, and stocking up on food. Morale is high and our numbers have been boosted by new marchers joining us over the weekend. Bring on week 2!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

BBC Blisters and the Breadline

Over the past few days we have received loads of support from people. On Monday we stopped outside a pub for a toilet break and happened to meet a grandson of one of the Jarrow marchers.

Today as we were marching along the road a car pulled up, and the driver handed us £100 towards the march! Cars have been honking at us to show their support all the way. Tea, cakes and biscuits have been handed to us in most of the villages we have gone through.

Everyone has blisters on their feet and feeling more and more tired but a PCS member has been great patching everyone's feet up. For the past few days we've been marching through fields, with nothing to look at but sheep, its a real test of endurance!

We've been doing a lot of publicity shoots, today we were interviewed by the BBC, and Danish TV marched with us today.

In Darlington we spoke at the local anti-cuts meeting. We discussed whether Youth Fight for Jobs is too narrow in focussing on youth unemployment instead of all ages. For me it just underlines the importance of linking the march with the wider anti-cuts and workers movement.

The Jarrow to London march can become an important beginning in building a mass movement of students and workers against cuts and unemployment.

In Durham we marched past the Jobcentre. Unemployment is a massive issue in the North-East, as it is for people around the country. Throughout the 80's and 90's areas like the towns we marched through lost thousands of jobs from the closures of coal mines, steel works and factories.

These jobs have been replaced by unskilled, poorly paid jobs in call centres and warehouses. Where once jobs, training and apprenticeships were available for school leavers, now even the temporary minimum wage jobs are difficult to come by.

So far I've met a lot of new people and we're all getting on really well. If new people want to join us on the march they are more than welcome, the more people we have on the more impact we'll have.


Click here to read the Guardian article 05/11/2011

Monday, 3 October 2011

Day One: The Jarrow March Sets Off!

Today was a really moving day, it was unlike anything I have been involved in before. Five hundred people came to send us off as we started the demo in Jarrow. Walking through the High Street people lined the road either side and were applauding us, they really saw the point of the march against unemployment.

In the press some Tory MPs had attacked the march saying it had no purpose. However, seeing the response from people today it made me think how wrong the Tories are.

The march has a great atmosphere. It has been a tiring but very rewarding day!

We passed the AEI factory just outside Jarrow in Burtley where workers (some had been working there for decades) had been laid off just like hundreds of thousands across the country. At least 750,000 more public sector workers will be made redundant by this government, and that will knock-on to local areas as well. The factory workers were very supportive, made us feel really welcome and invited us to the village hall for drinks and a football match.

Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor in Coventry, spoke at the rally and marched with us for the first day. I couldn't hear the other speakers, but they included Kevin Maguire from the Daily Mirror and Lizi Gray whose great-grandfather was on the original 1936 march.

The march set off led by the RMT (Rail Trade Union) brass band.

After a long march we reached our destination.